Friday, August 26, 2005

So... I'm not a tree-drawing kind of guy. I just can't seem to get them right. I do like the lantern, though. An the mushrooms are cool, too. This set was actually drawn after the bottom of this page, which you'll see next.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

At the bottom of that last page, I finish off with a larger, still thematic picture. I worked more with light and shadow, how the (somewhat dim) spotlight reflects out to the curtains.

My first page to follow a coherent theme. I did most of this during a game of poker. It's all typical broadway stuff. Props, mic, and lighting. This is where my shading started improving.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Here, I've got some parachutes over some kinda landscape. Not a whole lot going on.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

This page here was done during a game of poker, after I had lost all my chips. Someone said "tree of hearts" instead of "three of hearts." Hence, the tree of hearts. And then there's the little geometric shape at the bottom.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

At the bottom of that page, I've got this:

This is a drawing of one of those inspirational posters I have. This was done sometime around last semester. Not a whole lot to it. Just needed some practice on shading.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Welcome to my newest blog, Eric's Sketchbook. In a nutshell, this is just what the title implies. Pictures taken out of my sketchbook. I figure this'll be a way to 1) Show my friends back home what I'm doing with my education and 2) Get some feedback on my drawings. I'm not great at the whole "art" thing yet, but I'm working on it. Here's my first drawing post:

So... commentary. In the upper-left, you've got my rendition of The Cheat, a character from a cartoon I like. To the right is a shape known as a blivet. Around the middle is a little bird. The bottom of this section is lined with some geometric shapes. Mostly, it's where I've taken shapes out of larger shapes. The bottom center is whenthe corners are removed from a cube.

Okay, hope to keep this blog updated. Thanks for visiting.